Willy Foo informed me of a photography seminar happening on 14 Aug 2016 and asked me to give a shoutout on my blog. Thanks to him, I have 5 tickets to give away to my readers.
Willy is the CEO and Founder of LiveStudios and as far as I recall, the pioneer of live photography, where images taken during events are immediately showed to the guests over the projector. Being a technologist and a savvy marketer himself, Willy won several accolades as a photographer and an entrepreneur.
Together with 3 other successful Singapore photographers, Bryan Foong, Raymond Phang, and Geoff Ang, this seminar appears to expose attendees with their shooting inspirations, tips to success, about their shooting gear, and a live presentation of their shooting workflow.
The seminar targets at photographers looking for success on social media, improving their photographic skills as well as their business. Even if you are not doing photography as a business, the seminar would be a great opportunity to interact with the speakers.
And if you want, you can also join their 3-day 2-night SHIOKCAMP. They will cover the following topics:
• Seeing light in the way of a photographer and how to best make use of it
• Following in the footsteps of a commercial photoshoot
• Conceptualisation of a shoot in wild wild wet after hours (P.S. Stay out of the Splash Zone!)
• Learn how to get that beach shot that makes everyone jealous
• Or how to capture that split second photo that appears on media outlets all around the world
• And just like all camps, everyone will leave on a high with a campfire night!
Seminar prices are $20 and #ShiokCamp can be experienced at just $1100! Need more information? Visit http://www.shiokcamp.com to find out more! Sign up at http://goo.gl/forms/iIkd4E4BGdz3K7j93
Should you have any further queries, please feel free to email them at shiokcamp@gmail.com or contact Dylan at 94789474.
Where’s the giveaway, you ask? Drop by my Facebook Page to find this post.