Just this month, I successfully made contact with Nikon Marketing Singapore and they started sending review units for my review. It was a pity I couldn’t get their attention before the launch of the 2 major DSLR – D4 and D800 – for that would assured me of access to their launch events. Nevertheless, they have been most enthusiastic about providing review units so that I can share my experience in my blog as well as XINMSN Technology Blog where my posts are also published.
So far I have tested the first waterproof camera, Coolpix AW100. I have also reviewed the latest Coolpix P310 that was only just launched earlier this week, making me (and XINMSN) the first media in Singapore to review it. In a few days, I will be posting up my review of this compact camera.
And now, with the Nikon V1 now on my hands, I am one step closer to reaching my goal of reviewing every single mirrorless camera brand in the market. I have created a blog page dedicated to summarise my experience with all the mirrorless cameras I have tried. Interestingly, each brand focuses on a few key features while forgoing others, so it is not possible to pick a mirrorless camera model to be the best. But if you can share with me exactly why you need a camera and what you want to use it for, I might be able to match a “camera profile”.
Thanks, Nikon Singapore, for starting a beautiful public relationship.