I have been looking around for test subjects to try out the Nikon D700 before I had to return to T3 next week. Sheer luck, one of my ballet pianists was also interested in doing a photoshoot. So we arranged the shoot at her house, to photograph her with her musical instrument – the harp.
Deon just got accepted into Melbourne University to study Music. Her primary instrument is piano and secondary instrument is harp. But she loves the harp so much that she’s trying to appeal to have it swapped as primary instead.
I shot entirely in D700 NEF (RAW) format, which I sort-of regretted, because I came to realise that my Lightroom 1.4 and Nikon Capture NX do not read and support D700 NEF. Fortunately, Adobe Camera Raw 4.5 can support, so I did a batch convert to JPG before I get on to edit the images in Lightroom. Ironically, the outdated Google Picasa can read D700 uncompressed NEF, albeit not-so-accurate conversion.
I do find that most of my images are over-exposed but looked fine on the D700 LCD monitor. Without proper support for D700 NEF, I had to make do with the lost highlights, and probably re-process when the NEF format is readily convertible.
Here are some of my favourites. Almost all of them are shot above ISO 1600.